Tuesday, June 12, 2007

bacon + eggs

while we were busy working with our block association, having conversations with the 80 Bedford Block Residents who have taken up camp outside of Chumley's in lawn chairs telling tales of yester year, and continuing to campaign to bring back your Chumley's as quickly as humanly possible (with all due respect, we are sick of the burgers elsewhere!) a lot has been going on in the NYC world of the West Village....
  • Central Kitchen closed (thank GOD, at least temporarily) Overpriced Food that isn't that good doesn't fly on 7th Avenue South, where cheap Mexican reigns supreme
  • Marc Jacobs started plotting his next (and yes that is his 3rd) store on Bleeker Street
  • Birdbath brings in some awesome new chocolate to the 'hood
  • Waverly Inn opened its garden
  • West Village resident SJP launched a new line Bitten, the only reason why we EVER would travel to the Manhattan Mall (gasp!)
  • We found, taim, the best damn falafel in the village (better yet... make that Manhattan...and it is KOSHER!
And Phoebe Damrosch decided to write a tell-all about Per Se. This has absolutely nothing to do with the Village, the only reason why we bring it up is because Per Se is about the farthest place in comparison from Chumley's. Modern, Clean, Sterile, Uber-Expensive, lodged in the TWC which is like the antithesis of any block in the West Village. Yes, it is the polar opposite of our greatest love...yet we still can't help but occasionally go there.

Perhaps it is because at the core, as Damrosch writes on her blog, everything is bacon and eggs.

"After I left Per Se, a former colleague passed along a story that the chef told the staff. If you want to understand commitment, he explained, all you have to do is look at the American breakfast of bacon and eggs. The chicken was involved, but the pig was committed. "
